What Is A Declarative Statement? How to Write It Effectively?

What Is A Declarative Statement? How to Write It Effectively?

The declarative statement is among the four major types of sentences in the English language. While other three are as follows;

  1. Exclamatory
  2. Interrogative
  3. Imperative

Among them, declarative statements are the most common types. Declarative statements are very easy to formulate. It often contains a subject before a verb and ends at a period. Students often consider the declarative sentence as well as declarative statements the same thing. But, the following examples shared by experts of assignment writing services UK will help you to differentiate between them. In general, all declarative statements are declarative sentences, but vice versa is not true.

Examples of Declarative Sentences

  • These are simple sentences where the subject follows the verb to complete the sentence.
  • The tom is innocent.
  • Her father is no more.
  • You need a little more effort to succeed.
  • Harry completes this novel soon.
  • Sam wanted to go to the car showroom, but Marry wanted to go to the grocery store.

Examples of Declarative statements:

The declarative sentence will become a declarative statement when it states facts. Declarative statements help us to state the following things;

  • State someone’s opinions
  • State universal facts
  • Convey a piece of information
  • Explain something


  • The sun rises from the east.
  • A dog with a full stomach never bites anybody.
  • The black colour absorbs the majority of the UV radiation.
  • According to our current presidents, the biggest reason for air pollution these days is smog.

Hint: How to identify the Declarative statements/ statements?

In creative writing, a paragraph often consists of all fours type of sentences. Hence, to identify which one is declarative statements see its punctuation. It will help you to quickly identify the type of sentence.

  1. The declarative statements end at PERIOD (.).
  2. The interrogative statements end a question mark (?).
  3. The exclamatory statements end at an exclamation mark (!).
  4. The imperative statements contain both period (.) as well as an exclamation mark (!). To identify it, explore the commanding nature of imperative sentences.

Type Of Declarative Statements

Like many other statements, declarative statements also have some types. In general, declarative sentences are of two types: simple and compound.

Simple Declarative Statements

The simple declarative statements follow the structure of simple sentences. That is a subject and a predicate. The examples are as follows:

  • The sun shines bright.
  • The oat taking ceremony is compulsory.
  • Pizza is the best choice for babies.

Compound Declarative Statements

But, in a compound declarative statement, the comma or conjunction link two phrases together. Sometimes, depending upon the sentence, the semicolon can also serve the purpose. The example of compound declarative statements is as follows;

  • Tom wanted to get admission in master, but due to various reasons, he is doing a job.
  • Her dress was black, against the dress code of the evening.
  • He could not decrease his sleep; however, he managed his studies.

After knowing all the necessary details about the declarative statement, it’s time to discuss its effective writing techniques.

How To Write A Declarative Statement?

No doubt, declarative statement writing is the simplest among all other types. But, students often commit mistakes in writing several declarative sentences in one paragraph. Which, in turn, decrease the overall impact of the writing. So, by writing effective declarative statements, you can correct the majority of the sentences in a text.

Right Punctuation:

The right punctuation in the case of declarative statement writing is always a period. No one can end such sentences by using any other punctuation. Still, you can use any other punctuation in the sentence, but it must end with a period. Like in compound declarative statements, you can use a comma, as well as semicolon two, join phrases. Hence, to write declarative sentences, the right placement of punctuation is very important.  For the right use of punctuations, you can consider the above examples.

Right Length:

Right words, Right place, Right length should be committed over deadlines. Consider this tip a formula to write an effective declarative statement. The ‘right words’ suggest you build a strong connection between the subject and subordinate clause. The ‘Right place’ means where to use the declarative statement or where not? The right length means short as well as concise. The best word length for a declarative statement is between 10-20 characters. So, by following the 3 Rights guidelines, you will surely write an effective one.


Like all types of writing, here too, clarity will define your progress. The clarity of the sentence is an essential perspective that a writer must keep in mind. The clarity means you need to check whether your sentence implicit the same meaning as you wish or not? If not, then the most probable reason will be the clarity. Hence, a clear sentence never let your reader read it twice.


Students often face coherency issues while writing several declarative sentences in the paragraph. No matter how many declarative statements your paragraph have? They must be coherent. To do this, reading a whole paragraph in one go will help you.
