Academic Challenges That UKs Students Are Facing During Lockdown

Academic Challenges That UKs Students Are Facing During Lockdown

To stop the spread of coronavirus, all the countries have closed their educational institutes. The UK is facing serious problems due to the coronavirus pandemic. To overcome the impacts of this pandemic, the UK has also closed its educational institutes. Due to the closure of the educational institutions, the UK students can use some digital options like online libraries, online learning platforms and websites, learning apps and sharing online materials to continue their educational activities. Instead of the availability of these digital options, the UK’s students are still facing some academic challenges in the educational field. These academic challenges are explained below;

Anxiety and Depression Due To The Coronavirus Pandemic:

As we know that the impacts of coronavirus are out of control across the world. We are still not able to make the vaccine of this virus. Due to this reason, it has created a panic situation in the society. Moreover, when students hear the news of this panic situation on the print media and digital media, they feel anxiety and depression. Due to anxiety and depression, they are facing lots of problems. They can’t enjoy a sound sleep. They can’t pay attention to their studies. They are facing lots of troubles to make decisions for the future. They are also concerned about the financial conditions of their families. Due to depression and anxiety, when they try to study books, they can’t concentrate on the studies. Moreover, they are also facing lots of problems to use digital options effectively to learn something.

Students Are Facing Academic Challenges From The Teaching Methods Of The Online Tutors:

It is a fact that all the students in the class don’t have the same calibre. If teachers have to teach the students effectively, they have to understand the calibre of all the students. After understanding the calibre of the students, teachers adopt specific teaching styles to teach the students. Moreover, teachers also treat all the students separately. Now, the situation is reversed. The teachers have to teach students via online means. In the online education system, teachers have to treat all the students equally. Under such a situation, some students don’t understand the point of view of the teachers. Teachers can’t treat these students separately. Due to this reason, these students are facing some academic challenges in studies and they have no other choice but hire an assignment writing service to cover such challenges. The parents can overcome these problems of their children by giving extra attention to their studies. They can do it easily because due to the lockdown they are also at the home along with their children.


In the regular school days, teachers were giving face-to-face lectures to the students. While giving face-to-face lectures, they also adopt different methods to assess the students. For this reason, they were assigned some academic challenges as an assignment to the students. They were checking the performance of the students by taking tests. They were conducting surprise tests. They were also getting an idea about the performance of the students by taking quizzes. Due to the lockdown, the students are also facing lots of problems because they are not properly assessed by the teachers. As a result, they don’t know either they are performing well or not. Anyhow, online assignments are the best solution to this problem. This is effective only if both students and teachers take it seriously.

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Student Support Services:

At the schools, colleges and universities, students were getting full support from their teachers. Most of the schools, colleges and universities just rely on the traditional teaching-learning process. They don’t have their system of online education. Due to this panic situation, they have to shift towards online education. The educational institutions which have their strong online education systems are fulfilling the needs of the students without any delay. On the other hand, the educational institutions that don’t have their strong educational systems are facing some academic challenges to design the lectures. As a result, their students are facing academic challenges regarding their studies.

Educational Environment:

Lots of university students leave in the university hostels. The university hostels are known as the best study places for the students. In these hostels, there are separate rooms for the students. Moreover, there are also lots of students in these hostels. If they face any academic challenges regarding their studies, they can share these problems with their fellows. By studying in a group, they can easily find out the solutions to these problems. Moreover, in the universities, they also find the facility of library. In the library, they can read lots of books to find out the solutions to their problems. Due to lockdown, these hostels are also closed and students are in their houses. In their houses, they can’t find the best educational environment.
