The Structure And Format Of a 1000 Words Essay

Either you are going to write a short piece of writing like an essay or a lengthy piece of writing like a dissertation, it is an utmost important thing to you to follow the professional structure and format. It is a fact that an essay is written for the others and if we try to create easiness in our essay, then it is an unavoidable thing to us to make it interesting. The first step to create interest and easiness in an essay is to follow the professional structure and format. If you don’t know how to write an essay by following the professional structure and format, then you can get help from experts of essay writing services. The structure and format of a 1000 words essay is explained below;

If we talk about the professional structure and format of an essay, then we come to know that the professional structure and format of an essay consists of three components. The first component is known as an introduction. The second component is known as the body and the last component is known as a conclusion. The introductory section of an essay consists of one paragraph only. The body of an essay consists of three paragraphs. The conclusion of an essay consists of only one paragraph. To write an essay, it is an unavoidable thing for the students to get an idea about the professional structure and format of the essay.

The main problem for the students is that they don’t have enough idea about the word count of each section of an essay. For example, if a student is asked to write a 1000 words essay, then he/she doesn’t have enough idea about the length of different paragraphs of an essay. If we talk about the weights of different sections of an essay, then we come to know that the weight of the introductory paragraph of an essay is 10% the whole weight of the essay. If you are going to write a 1000 words essay, then it means that your introductory paragraph should consist of only 100 words. In these 100 words, you will have to introduce your topic, your thesis statement and background information about the main theme of the essay.

The weight of the body of an essay should consist of 80% of the whole weight of the essay. It means that the body of your essay should consist of 800 words. In these 800 words, you will have to write three paragraphs of equal lengths. In each body paragraph, it is necessary for a student to introduce the topic sentence, to present the arguments, to support the topic sentence with the help of evidence and to draw the conclusion. The weight of the concluding section of an essay is 10% the weight of the whole essay. It means that like the introduction, the conclusion of an essay should also consist of 100 words only. In these 100 words, it is necessary for the students to rewrite the thesis statement and to present the main points of the essay.
