Tips On Writing a Solid Introduction For a Ph.D. Thesis

An introduction is considered as the first section of your PhD thesis. As we have listened from the experts that the first impression is the last impression. Therefore, we should try to create the introduction or the first impression of a PhD thesis as solid as possible. An introduction of a PhD thesis provides a general description about the topic of the thesis. Therefore, you should try to describe the topic, provide a thesis statement, and an overview of the thesis in the introductory chapter of your PhD thesis. If you are not able to write a solid introduction for a PhD thesis, then you can get help from the PhD thesis writing services. The most important tips to write a solid introduction for a PhD thesis are given below;

1)    Most of the experts suggest that we should try to commence the introductory chapter of our PhD thesis as broad as possible. Here, the term “Broad” doesn’t means that you can provide the irrelevant information in it. Moreover, you should also try to avoid such information in it that is confusing and unable to understand for the audience. In short, you can commence the introductory chapter of your PhD thesis by indicating the problem and by presenting the scope of the topic.

2)    You should also try to provide some relevant background in the introductory chapter of your PhD thesis. While providing some relevant background, there is no need to state your original arguments. These arguments are explained in the main body of the PhD thesis.

3)    A thesis statement provides us with a concise summary of the main points of a PhD thesis. This thesis statement should be presented in the introductory chapter of your PhD thesis. Typical, this thesis statement is presented at the end of the introductory chapter of a PhD thesis. Anyhow, you can also adjust it anywhere in the introductory chapter by keeping in mind the requirements of your supervisor.

4)    To make the introductory chapter of a thesis interesting to the audience, most of the students try to write down the anecdotes. You should be very careful while presenting these anecdotes in the introductory chapter of your thesis and try to write down only those anecdotes that are relevant to the main theme or the problem of the PhD thesis. In short, we can say that there is no place for the irrelevant information in it.

5)    No doubt, it is difficult for us to figure out the introductory chapter of a PhD thesis. There is no need to feel any kind of pressure while writing down the introductory chapter. There is no need to write down the cliches in it. With the help of an intriguing introductory chapter, you should try to convince the readers that your thesis is worth reading for the audience.

6)    The main parts of an introductory chapter of a PhD thesis are motivation, scope of the thesis topic, theoretical relevancy of the research, current scientific situation, objectives, a brief description of the research design, and an outline for the dissertation.
