It is essential that you must ask yourself this question and then try to prepare for your viva. Are you afraid of your viva, there are two answers to it? If yes that means that you have worked hard and think that it should be blunder at the end of the day or you feel that you are not aware of your work and it could be visible in the viva. A researcher must do his research on his own and if there are other people who are working on thesis then there will certainly be many issues.
Don’t Panic: The panic kills you and especially in viva, the aim is to check your confidence. The confidence should be your dress that day and try to wear it as good as possible. No need to be hyperactive, confident and defensive for it can also lead to a great failure. Try to convince them in a normal manner, no need to break bones or break tables for the sake of proving yourself.
Negotiate: One tip is that of negotiation with the externals. At times, there are some things, which are not workable for the external and for the reason they ask you the volatility of the statement. There is no need to cry over it or babble around. Ask them politely first what they actually mean and come up with your argument saying them that there is always room for negotiation. The negotiation can save you from a lot of trouble and it shows your research ethics to the external to a great deal.
Prepare Viva: If you don’t prepare the viva and feel that all will be well then you are mistaken. While you are working on the viva, you must take a page and write all the important points for your work. While you are able to understand the idea in the right manner, try to consider the fact that the viva can be very much tough and easy so it is better than you are prepared for both the situation in your favour. To summarize, viva is an essential part of your academic experience and it is better to face it rather than run away from it because you are afraid.